2 resultados relacionados con "Cox,E. F.".
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Artículo de revista
Ocean acidification and calcifying reef organisms: a mesocosm investigation

Climate change, Climate, Oceanography, Global temperature changes, Marine ecology, Coral reefs and islands, Life Sciences, Water acidification, Coral reefs, Marine biology, Ocean, ocean acidification, Geochemistry, Algae, Freshwater & Marine Ecology, Carbonates, Sea-water, Calcification, Calcite crystals, Mesocosms, Closed ecological systems, Coral, Investig...

Año de publicación: 2008

Artículo de revista
Hidden diversity and phylogeographic history provide conservation insights for the edible seaweed Sargassum fusiforme in the Northwest Pacific

Climate change, BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION, phylogeography, Sargassum fusiforme, cryptic lineage, phylogeographic process, Asia–Northwest Pacific

Año de publicación: 2017